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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 555   View pdf image (33K)
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         556 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692 1694.





         Liber K.  Sr Thomas Lawrence requiring them severally as Justices of

               the Provincial Court to sign for him according to Law as he

               alledged his habeas Corpus which had likewise been personally

               demanded p his Servant Thomas Huchins on his Behalf they

               thercupon pray the Sentiments & advice of the Board therein

               whither or no they are by Law obliged to Comply therewith

                In answer whereunto it is Declared that he was Committed

               by especial Order of his Excellency the Govr & Council a

               Superiour Authority to that of the Provincial Court & that if

               in his Case such writ were grantable it must be to some

               higher Court or place that can take Cognizance thereof

               moreover upon the demand made no such writ has been

               produced for the parties of whom demanded to signe to

               whereby it might appear to what Court or other Authority

               his said writt should direct him

                Whereupon it is Concluded & the opinion of the Board

               is that it be demanded of Sr Thomas Lawrence or whosoever

               shall appear to sollicit for him his said Demands to have a

               sight of the said writ for their better Information before such

               time as they can give a more positive answer thereunto

                Taking into Consideration that their Majestys Ships of

               War the Convoy appointed & now lately arrived wth the

           p. 261  Fleet are limited to Sixty days time staying here which will

               expire before the Assembly Can have met at the time to

               which they now stand porogued & have fully Compleated

               their Business to be represented home by their Returne for

               that & divers other good Causes of great weight & moment

               for their Majestys Service it is advised & resolved that the

               Assembly be conveened by Proclamation to sit at St Marys

               the 20th of September next & accordingly proclamation issued

               as folio (vizt)


                                     By his Excllcy the Capt Genl

                           A Proclamation

               Maryland ss

                Whereas the Genl Assembly of this Provs begun & held at

               the City of St Marys the tenth day of May Anno Dom 1692

               by adjournment & several porogations since stands now

               porogued to the 13th day of October next ensuing & foras

               much as at present several matters of great moment &

               import to their Majstys Service & the good & Welfare of this

               Province do offer themselves to the Consideration of the said

               Assembly & Require their Meeting in order thereunto sooner

               then at the time Appointed as aforesaid I have therefore by

               & with the Advice & Consent of their Majestys Council

               thought fit & I do hereby fully resolve determine & Ordain

               that the said General Assembly be conveened & held at the


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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