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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)
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554 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.

Liber K.

To his Excellency the Governor & Council
The humble Petition of Robt Carvile
That your Petitioner having paid the Consideration for the
two warrants hereunto annexed according to his Lordships
Conditions of plantation has not as yet made any use of them
He therefore humbly prays that the same may be Renewed
& Directed to Mr William Coursey Surveyor of Talbot
County to lay the same out upon Land in Talbot or Dor-
chester County
And your Petitioner as in duty Bound shall
pray &ca

p. 258

The Petition Granted & Ordered that warrants issue forth
of the Land Office for the renewment of two warrants of 500
Acres each one of 500 Acres warrant granted him the 15th of
March 1688 being then due to him by renewmt of a warrant
for the same quantity granted him the 18th of Iune 1685 &
renewed by order of Council the other for 500 Acres warrant
granted him the said 15th March 1688 being then due to him
by renewment of a warrant for the same quaintity granted
him the 29th day of Iuly 1685 & renewed again by Order of
Council the 22d day of Iuly 1687


Mr Stephen Luff Sheriff of Somerset County together With
Mr Charles Nicholson being appointed by order of this Board
to apply themselves to his Excellency Sr Edmd Andros Govr
of Virginia & to demd the Surrender of Edward Randolph
Esqr Escaped from the Custody of the said Sheriff his Excllcy
the Govr thought fit to give them these foll Instructions (vizt)

Instructions for Mr Stephen Luff & Mr Charles Nicholson
to Virginia (vizt)
You are to waite & attend the motion of the honble Coll0
Andrew Hamilton & Mr Shirlock when they shall think fit to
set forth from hence into the Colony of Virginia
With them you are to get Passage over & Land there at
such place where they shall think fit or may most Conveniently
set you on shore
Upon your arrival there you are forthwith to apply your
Selves to the most likely & Convenient places for procuring
Horses & a Guide if need be to Conduct & Carry you down
to his Excellency the Govr of that Countrey

p. 259

Where when you arrive you are to endeavour to have a
speedy admittance & access to his Excllcy & thereupon to
deliver him the Letter herewith Committed to your Charge &
pray his speedy answer thereto & your dispatch

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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