Depositions taken against him Especially one by Mr William
Hopkins of the same County may appear which being pro-
duced & read It was ordered that for answer to the within
written petition the petr is referred to the follo Copy of a
Deposition taken by Mr Wm Hopkins as the reason why they
have thought fit wholly to reject the same
The Deposition of William Hopkins of Ann Arundell
County Gent Sworne
Saith that as the Deponent was going to the County Court
in September 1689 Thomas Bland asked the Deponent what
made him so rebellous against the Lord Baltemore & asked if
he had not suffered enough in the Province already for his
being so Obstinate agst the Papists & yet for all your Suffer-
ings you will assist in the oversetting of the Govt & think to
be releived by one as you pretend is now King of England
but you are deceived for the Prince of Orange is not King of
England nor ever is like to be & this is treason in the highest
Degree to act so against the Lord Baltemore & therefore
you will Lose both your Life & Livings from your heirs
for ever if you desist not from your Rebellion & besides you
know if you had at any time any Sute of Law in the Court
you could never have Iustice done you because you were
always looked upon as the greatest Rebell against the Papists
in all Maryland & now you think to be Relieved by this King
William (as you call him) for it is not in his power to relieve
you for the Lord Baltemore is no ways Subordinate or
dependant to the Crown of England but is absolute here of
himself in this Provs And if King William that Usurped