Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/ 8-89. 53
ship. Which with our ever hearty salutes to your Lordsp is what
at present from
Your Lordsps alwayes humble
& assured servants
St Maries 15 Novber 1688. Wm Joseph
Henry Darnall
William Digges
Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill
To his Exly Francis
Lord Howard of Effingham
his Maties Leiut & Governor
Generall of his Maties Collony &
Dominion of Virga These.
At a Council held at the City of St Maries
The First day of December Anno Dni 1688
Liber B.
P. R. O.
The honbIe
William Joseph Esqre
Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll: Henry Darnall
Coll: William Digges
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Coll: Edward Pye
Clement Hill Esqre
p. 186
The King or pretended king or the next heir to the late
King of the Choptico Indians and some other of the greate
men desired admittance to this board; and being come in the
next heire called Tom Calvert presents Eleaven drest deer
skins as a tribute to his Lordsp the Lord Baltemore, and sayes
that his deceased Uncle intended more but dyed before the
could be gotten.
The said Thomas Calvert makes complaint to this board
That one Walter Davis demands for carrying his Uncle over
to the Easter shoare two skins more then his Contract was wth
his uncle.
Also that one Robert Frazer had throwne his or some of
their Corne feild fences as soone as the Corne was gathered
and let his Catle in and soe destroy all their beanes.—Also
that drinke is brought into the Towne by the English and soe
the Indians buy it for skins and that keeps the Indians poore,
and makes them drunke, especially one Francis Knott brings
strong drinke as Rum &c: and sells it for skins and cheats the
Therefore desires the English may be ordered not to bring
any drink to the said Choptico Towne.—