54 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Ordered that the Complaint about Walter Davis and Robert
Foster be referred to the honble Clement Hill Esqre to Rectify
all matters concerning the said Premisses. The said Tom
Calvert acquaintes this board that his said Uncle the late King
was murthered by their owne Indians. To which the Council
told him that it was a crime or fault comitted by themselves to
themselves soe they must punish them amongst themselves
according to their owne lawes & customes.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries
the 31st day of December 1688.
The honble
William Joseph Esqre
Coll: Henry Darnall
Coll: William Digges
Majr Nicholas Sewall
p. 187
Thomas Davis Merchant Attorney and on the behalfe of
Edward and Dudley Carleton of London Merchants makes
request to this Board that a speciall Comission of oyer and
Terminer issue for the hearing and determining ending and
stateing of all matters dealings differences and accompts
between the said Carletons and the Executors or Administra-
tors of Basill Waring late of Patuxen deceaced may issue.
The same graunted by this board and that the Comissioners
be the honble William Joseph, Henry Darnall William Diggs
Nicholas Sewall and Clement Hill Esqre or any three or more
of them whereof the said William Joseph and Henry Darnall
be Two.
p. 189
At a Council held at the City of St Maries the
seaventh day of Ianuary Anno 1688
The honbIc
William Ioseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Coll William Digges
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Then was produced (as directed to the Government) a
writing under the hands and seales of William Sharpe and
William Combes which follows.
Sirs. Our freind Iohn Knight Comander of the Ship En-
crease of Yowhall bound for our River is arrived in Virga but
detained there by Capt Rowe who for want of Certificate
designes to Carry her into Rapahanock and there make prize