thereunto the Government of Virginia had already supplyed
them with 600l Sterl he proposes & offers to deposit of his
own money for & in Behalf of this Province the Sum of Three
Hundred Pounds Sterl towards their further relief which is
gratefully accepted & acknowledged by the Board as a
favour, & Ordered that the same as such be recommended to
the next Assembly & left to their consideration how to Reim-
burse his Excclly
To his Excellency the Captain General with the honble
Council of State
The petition of Robt Eagle & George Eager
humbly sheweth
That your Petitioners are grand Iury Men who happening
to step to our Quarters to refresh our selves when we were
called in Court were fined, wherefore we humbly request that
your Honours will please to take of the Fine Since we have
duly attended & are willing so to do so long as Occasion shall
require and we your humble Petitioners
Shall ever pray &ca
The petition was granted & their fines laid by the Provcl
Court hereby remitted