Body of Charles Carrol of the sd County charg'd and accused
for uttering several mutinous & seditious speeches in deroga-
tion to the present Government scandalously reflecting upon
affronting and abusing the same and the Authority thereof in
their most legal & Iudicious proceedgs in the Administration
of Iustice according to the Laws of of England & of this Prov-
ince in such cases made & provided all which is contrary to
the said Laws and tends altogether to the Breach of their
Majestys Peace and the disturbance of the quiet Rule and
Government of this their Province for which & divers other
crimes and misdemeanors by him Committed you are hereby
in their Majestys Names straightly charged & Commanded
to take the said Carrol into your charge and him in your
Custody safe keep untill he shall be thence delivered by due
Course Of Law whereof fail not at your Perill and for so
doing this shall be your warrant Given under my hand &
Seal this 25th day of March Anno Dom 1693 In the fifth Year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord & Lady King William &
Queen Mary &ca
To Robert Mason Gent high Sher
of St Marys County or his Deputy
To his Excellency the Govr & the honble Councill
The petition of Iohn Davis of Talbot County
In all humble
manner sheweth
That your Petitioner had laid out for him the 8th day of
August 1684 a tract of Land for 306 acres called the Dun-
fields lying in Talbot County nigh the Head of Wye River
said to be done by Vertue of a warrant for 300 Acres granted
your Petitioner the 14th day of Aprill then preceeding the
Certificate whereof being returned for your Petitioner into the
Office to be entred upon Record was not admitted by reason
of some mistake in the Warrant cont 6 Acres less than the
Land taken up, or otherwise laid out upon some other Land
as your Petitioner is informed wherefore he most humbly sup-
plicates that he may be admitted now to make good his Right