did beleive it would not be decided till such time as his Excel-
lency was no Govr or Sr Thomas Lawrence no Secretary and
that there was Letters writ to England to that Purpose this to
the best of my Remembrance and further saith not
April 8th 1693 Rob'Mason
Sworn to in Councill
J LL Cl Councill
His Excellency acquaints the Board that being heretofore
informed of the misbehaviour of the said Charles Carrol
according to the foregoing Deposition and also the following
Deposition of Iohn LLewellin taken by his Excellency the 17th
of March last past he had thought fit to Commit the said
Carrol to the Custody of the Sheriff of St Marys County untill
he shall thence be delivered by due Course of Law.
which Deposition of the said LLewellin and also the mittimus
to the Sheriff aforesaid is as follows (vizt)
Iohn LLewellin of St Marys County aged Fourty Years or
thereabouts upon his Oath taken on the holy Evangelist saith
that Mr Charles Carrol (did not long since) demand of the
Deponent a Copy of the Proceedings upon the Tryal & Con-
demnation of his Beer to make sport with & laugh at in Com-
pany where he should come, or words to the same Effect so
near as the Deponent can well Remember
J LLewellin
Iurat 17 Die March 1692
coram me
L Copley