Deponents papers in his private Chamber and not the Office
unknown to him and this Deponent further saith not
April 8 1693 W Taylard
Sworn to before the Govr & Councill
J LL Cl Councill
Ordered to be brought & was produced and read Statute the
8th of Henry the 6th against imbezzling of Records declared
to be Felony &ca
His Excellency demands the opinion and advice of the
Councill upon the whole matter
Whereupon they declare that the Articles of Charge drawn
up against him being Evidently & Sufficiently proved & made
appear from the Records of the Councill proceedings, his own
Writings and Papers, together -with other substantial Circum-
stances and Evidences rendring him so highly Criminal
against the Laws & Statutes of England as not to admit of