p. 43a.
Severall short heads of a charge against
Sir Thomas Lawrence vizt
Ist Disobedience to Order of Governor and Councill Oct:
13: 92: requiring him to provide seales for every County in
the Province—not complyed with. Answered
2. Entering upon and executing his Office of Secretary
before duely qualifyed by giving security according to Law
and Custome, notwithstanding the same had been often
demanded, and extorting from his Clerks unjust Fees for
their Commissions directly contrary to his owne Commission
and Instructions Qu. Bonner, Lomax and Thompson
These words lined left out of the Articles sent home Aprill
11: 1693.
3. Unreasonably and unjustly demanding of John Llewellin,
William Taylard and other Clerks commissionated and em-
ployed by the Convention of this Province under the late
Revolution to be accomptable to him for the perquisites and
profitts of their places since the date of his Comission which
is also contrary to his Comission which constitutes him Secre-
tary onely during his residence in the Country—Oct: 13. &
14. left out as above.
4. Presumeing at Councill Board to protest against the Act
of Assembly and an Order of Councill concerning Officers
Fees notwithstanding assurance given him to recommend &
referr the same—Coun: Oct: 14. left out as before
5. Displacing and turning out severall County Clerks
capable and duely qualifyed for those places without any
grounds or reasons for soe doeing contrary to his Comission
and Instructions and putting in their places persons altogether
incapable and noe ways fit for the same upon meere mer-
cenary sinister ends—Coun: Oct: 24. 92. J. L: H. B: &c. H. F:
left out as before.
6. Slighting and not taking notice of the request and
demand of Governor and Councill to suspend one of his
Clerks for open contempt to the Government and their Maj-
estie's authority but still continuing him in.