Coun: March 9. 92. left out as before.
7. Consorting and associating himself with none but Papists
and others their Majs enemies, countenancing, aiding and
cherishing them onely at this juncture, and ever since his
arrival to the betraying of the Government notwithstanding
advice and Order to the contrary agt his Oath and the duty of
his place.
8. Removing and taking out of the Office and carrying to
his owne house the Records of the Province and making such
private use thereof for his own sinister ends, as he sees fit, in
direct opposition to an Order of Govr and Councill for those
Records to remaine in the Office. Coun: March 9. 92. left out
as before.
9. Takeing from thence and wholly embezling some of the
said Records, particularly the Journall of the last Assembly
filed there by the Clerk according to Law—against his Oath
and the Statute—vid
10. His obstinate contempt to Order of Governor and
Councill notwithstanding his promise of complying therewith
for delivery of a Copy of an Agreement betwixt him and Mr
Taylard (for farming the Secretary's place which is also against
Law) his fraudulent procuring from the hands of a third per-
son intrusted the Originall Contract and at last peremptorily
refuseing to produce either Originall or Coppy—Coun: March
9. 92. Qu: laylard and Grunwin—left out.
11. Takeing upon him and assumeing to exercise the Office
of a Publick Notary within this Province without Comission,
Warrant or Order for the same and without being sworne
according to Law—which is also contrary to his Oath of Sec-
retary and Councellor.
Vid. Oath left out.
12. Commencing and entering upon the execution of the
said Office in protesting against the Govr& Councill (whereof
himself was then a Member) for their arbitrary & illegal pro-
ceedings and as such from whom noe justice or redress was
to be expected to the betraying of the Government &c.
vid: protest out.
13. Suggesting and alledging in sd protest severall false
scandalous and approbious reflections upon the Govern'
without any grounds or motives from the affidavit or informa-
tions of the Protestants it plainly appearing & to be made
manifest that an Appeale was granted them to the Govr &
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2.
B. G.