nowise fail as he will answeare the contrary att his perill.
Given under my hand and seal this 27th day of March 1693.
in the fifth yeare of the reigne of our sovereign Lord and
Lady King William and Queen Mary,
(seal) L. Copley.
To Sir Tho: Lawrance Barrt to be comunicated and deliv-
ered unto him by John Llewellin Clerke of the Councill in the
presence of Robert Mason Gent: High Sheriff of St Mary's
By signing a protest of Will Barnett against the proceed-
ings of the Court in St Marys in January last.
Lewellin made Notary publick by Governor Copley tho'
that Office granted Sir Thomas Lawrance in express words in
his letters patents from their Majesties.
27th March 1693. Copy of the Warrant for apprehending
Sir Thomas Lawrance
Recd 13th Decr 93. B. G.
P. 31.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. G.
By his Excelly the Governor.
These are in their Majties names especially to authorize and
impower William Harpam Gent: to apprehend, seize and take
the body of Edwd Randolph Esq. charged for offering &
divulging severall false malicious & seditious speeches and
reports scandalously reflecting upon their Majs Government
and tending to the alienating and diverting their good subjects
the inhabitants of this Province from their due & naturall love
and affection, faith and allegiance to their said Majties and this
their Government contrary to the peace and Laws in such
case made & provided. Wheresoever he shall be found and
him in his safe custody keep untill he shall safely deliver him
into the custody of the Sheriff of Sumersett County by him
to be forthwith brought before me at the Citty of St Marys to
answear the premisses & what else shall be alledged agt him
on their Majs behalfes & I do hereby strictly charge & comand
all & singular their Majs Officers civill & military & others
the inhabitants of this Province to be aiding and assisting to
the sd Wm Harpam in the due execution hereof as they will
answear the contrary att their perills. Given under my hand
and seal this sixt day of Aprill in the 5th yeare of our sovn
Lord & Lady King William and Queen Mary.
To Wm Harpam Gent: L. Copley
hereunto especially authorized
and appointed These
vera Copia
Rich: Farwell.
p. 33