To the Honble the Governor and Councill
The humble Petition of Mordecai Moore
humbly sheweth
That your Petitioners wife in her Widowhood obtain'd a
warrant from the late Governor and Councill under the Lord
Baltemore and hath paid for the same to his receiver, but as
yet never made use of the same.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly craveth order that the
same may be renewed and directed to the Surveyor of Ann
Arundell County &ca
Ordered that warrant for two hundred Acres of Land
granted to Madam Ursula Burges the fifth day of Aprill Anno
Dom 1688 for which she gave caution according to Conditions
of Plantation then in force &ca be renewed for and in the
Name of the Petr Doctor Mordecai Moore who hath since
married the said Ursula
To his Excellency the Govr & the honble the Council
The humble Petition of Iohn Lidyat of Calvert
humbly sheweth
That your Petitioner having lately purchased and so become
lawfully seized in a certain tract or Parcell of Land called St
Iosephs mannor lying in Calvert County but the meetes and
bounds thereof being therefore very uncertain Your Petitioner
therefore humbly Supplicates this honble Board to grant him
warrant of Resurvey of the same to be made in the presence
of the Sheriff of the said County and the directions of a Iury
of the Neighbourhood therein best known to be by the said
Sheriff Summoned Impanelled and sworn and that the Sheriff