again to imprest the said Stephen the said Denton took him
away and said that he should not go (Saying that you I Sup-
pose meaning his Excellency the Govr) always lays the Bur-
den upon the Citizens, and that it was a Grievance, and that the
Assembly should be acquainted with it The Deponent told
Stephen in the hearing of the said Denton that he had
Authority to press him and bid him detain him at his Peril
The foregoing motion of suspending Mr Denton for his
Contempt and dissaffection aforesaid made known & again
moved to Sr Thomas Lawrence to which he replyed that he
would require Mr Denton to Go to Coll Blakiston and beg
his Pardon if that might Suffice but as for the rest he saith he
is bound over to answer at the next Provincial Court and
therefore can take no further Cognizance thereof
Coll Edward Pye called in is given to Understand that
whereas upon the late Revolution some of the Countrey Arms
being then in his Custody severall of the Locks and other
materials belonging to the same where lost or imbezelled he
Replys and saith that at the beginning of the Revolution some
of the Countrey Arms were in his Custody and of such of
them as where not well fixed he did take of the Locks and
deliver them to Mr William Dent to Secure but afterwards the
People mutinying and threatning to fire his the said Pyes
Liber K.