away to the said Mr Thomas Blake requiring him forthwith to
attend his Excellency for his further Order and Instruction &c
Ordered that Mr William Harris and others the Iustices &
Commissioners of Cecil County be required to endeavour
what in them Lyes to inform themselves thoroughly and truly
of the misbehaviour and insolencys committed by those Indians
as is reported, and that they be also ready at such time as the
French Man shall be brought down to testify and make
appear against them what they have to alledge or can prove,
Ordered likewise that Iacb Young attend as an Interpreter and
that Robt Drury and what other Evidences may be procured
be produced at the same time
Orders to issue to the severall Colonels or other chief
Officers of the Militia in each respective County of the Prov-
ince requiring them & every one of them to take immediate
and effectual Care for the amending fixing and repairing the
publick Arms within their severall & respective Commands
and to have their respective Officers and Soldiers in Readi-
ness at an hours warning to follow and put in Execution such
Orders and Instructions as for the publick service maybe sent
The Assembly appointed to set the 6th day of April next
Ordered to be further prorogued to the 20th day of April fol-
lowing and that Proclamation issue forth accordingly
By his Excllcy the Capt Genll
A Proclamation
Maryland ss