Memd the following Deposition omitted to be entred
in its due Place above next after the first foregoing Letter of
Charles Iames as being Inclosed therein and read at the same
time is therefore here entred as follows vizt
The Examination of Robt Drury upon his oath as follows
That Monsieur Casteene formerly Govr of Cannada (as he
is informed) when Sr Edmond Andros put up the Kings
Standard in the river of St Croes in the French Dominions as
supposed that this Monsr Casteene took no care to oppose
him and notice being given thereof to the French King he
sends in with strict orders for his being brought over for
France, but this Monsr Casteene having notice of it flyes
among the Indians to a Fort called Penobscott near unto a
River called St Georges in the King of Englands Territorys
where he contracted Matrimony with an Indian Woman
Sister a Mawdockeawando the great Sagamore in those
Northern Parts and when the troubles was in New Engld this
Deponent was informed by severall Persons who had their
Houses Burnt and their Estates lost that this Monsr Casteene
joyned with those northern Indians in burning of severall