Lord Propr of Maryland. Yerule
William Blaythwayt
Gentlemen London 14th July 1688.
Herewith I send you a Coppy of an Order from the Lords
of his Maties most honoble Privy Council by which you will
understand it is his Maties Commands to me that I should
endeavour to get a Law passed in my Assembly in Maryland
for prohibiting any Bulk Tobacco to be exported.
You are therefore upon sight hereof to cause an Assembly
to be convened and to use your best Endeavours to procure
such a law to be passed there supposeing the same will be
endeavoured by the Governor of Virginia pursuant to the
order sent there Herein faile not on your parts to serve his
Matie all you can and soe I rest
These for Coll: Tailler Your very loving freind
Coll: Lowe & the rest of the C: Baltemore
Deptys Lieu'5 of Maryland.
Ordered That an Assembly be called to sit at the City of St
Maries the Twelth day of November next and that Proc-
lamacon issue accordingly.
At a Council held at the City of St Maries
the sixth day of October 1688.
William Joseph Esqre presidt