give notice to you his Ldsps Admirall of this Province that on
the aforesaid First day of November you spread your Colours
and discharge your Cannon and make all other demonstracons
of publick rejoyceing you may or can. And wee further require
you to give notice hereof to all and every the respective
Comanders of ships and vessells within your precinct that they
doe and performe the same Soe wee bid you heartily farewell
From the Council Chamber at St Maries The sixth day of
October 1688
Wm Joseph presdt
To Capt Samuell Philipps Henry Darnall
His Lordps Admirall of Wm Digges
Maryland on board the Nich: Sewall
ship Baltemore in South River.
Ordered That all Comission officers of foote and horse in
each County cause their Companies and troopes under their
Comand to be present at the proclayming the birth of the
Then was read a Lre to his Lordpp the Lord Propty from his
Maties Council concerning Bulk Tobacco also his Lordpps Letter
to this Government thereupon which two Lres follow.
After our very hearty Commendacons severall merchants
owners and planters Adventurers of Virginia and Maryland
having by their petition to his Maty humbly prayed that a law
may be passed in those plantacons for prohibiting any bulk
Tobacco to be exported; wee have thereupon received his
Maties Command to signify his Royall pleasure That your
Lordsp in Conjunction with the Governor and Council of his
Maties Colony and dominion of Virginia take care that such a
law be passed in the respective Assemblies of Virginia and
Maryland and against the Exportacon of Bulk Tobacco from
these plantacons And soe wee bid your Lordpp very heartily