To the Kings most excellent Majestie
The humble Petition of Charles Lord Baltemore
That by your Majesties letter of the Ist of Aprill 1689 and
by an Order of Her Majestie in Councill of the 26th Febry 1690.
and lastly by a second Royall letter of your Majs of 3rd of Novr
1691. your Petitioner had leave for his Receivers to demand
the Port dutys or Anchorage Money which for many years has
been by Law vested in your Petrs Father and himselfe as by
the Law of Maryld has already appeared to the Right Honble
the Lords of your Majs most honourable Privy Councill, yet
notwithstanding that Law and your Majs most gracious letters
and Orders thereupon Colonel Lyonel Copley your Majs Gov-
ernor there has forbid your Petitioner's Collector to receive
that part of your Petitioner's Revenue, upon pretence of an
Act of Assembly procured there by him, and lately transmitted
hither which your Petr has had leave to peruse.
Your Petr humbly hopeing your Majestie never
intended to take away any pgrt of his property and
Revenue settled by Law of that Province does there-
fore most humbly beseech yr Majs positive Comands to
Col; Copley to suffer your Petrs Collectors to receive
that part of yr Petrs Revenue according to yr Majs
former letters & Orders thereupon & that yr Maj: will
be graciously pleased yr Petr may have your Royal
letter before the goeing away of this Fleete And yr
Petr as in duty bound shall ever pray &c
9th February 1692.
Referrence of the Lord Baltemore's
Petition for the 14d p tun in Maryland
p. 42.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. F.
p. 42