shall Come against him he may have such Power granted him
as your Honrs shall seem meet to collect and gather the said
Estate into his hands as formerly whereby he may be able to
support himself and Family as he ought
And your Petitioner shall pray &ca
The Petition granted according to the following Order (vizt)
By his Exclly the Govr & the honble Councill
Novr 18th 1692
Upon a Petition this day preferred to this Board by Wm
Morris of Somerset County prisoner now in custody of the
Sheriff of St Marys County setting forth that upon his first
commitment to the Sheriff of Somerset County his Estate or
most part thereof was irregularly & unlawfully seized upon
and taken into the hands and Possession of Mr Francis Ienkins,
and others to the Petitioner unknown whereby he is utterly
disabled from making any provision for the support and
maintenance of himself & Family, & his Children by that
means like to be brought upon the Charge of the County
Ordered that the said Morris giving good security to the
Sheriff of Somerset County afd to answer and satisfy all just
Claims & demands that shall or may hereafter come or be
brought against him by the said Persons or others and for his
fees and charges of Imprisonmt he be set to Bail upon his