Liber K.
To his Excellency the Governor and the honble Councill
The petition of Thomas Kenniston of Calvert County
humbly sheweth
That your Petitioner leased out to one Thomas Souch of
Calvert County aforesaid a tract of Land for a certain yearly
rent, for which and some other dealings between your Peti-
tioner and the said Souch, he the said Souch became indebted
to your Petitioner a certain Sum of Tobacco that the said
Souch having made a crop upon the said plantation paid away
the same to one Thomas Bridges, taking no Care to satisfy
your Petitioner his just Dues aforesaid thereupon your Peti-
tioner thinking he might distrain or seize upon his own Land
for his rent &ca did accordingly seize the Tobacco paid, by the
said Souch to the said Bridges, & by him marked nailed &ca
which your Petitioner altered & Scratched out the mark and
paid the same again to another Person for which he was
Indicted by the said Bridges at the County Court upon the
Statute, where he was convicted and adjudged to pay four
fold and stand in the Pillory according to the forme of the said
Your Petitioner humbly offers to your Excllcys & Honours
consideration his ignorance altogether in the Law which
mooved him to such irregular and rash proceedings he hath
been an ancient Inhabitant and well behaved himself in the
said County amongst his Neighbours and never before known
to have wittingly or willingly transgressed the Laws of the
Country humbly prays your Excellencys Clemency to excuse
and remitt him from the corporall Punishment due to him
according to the said statute
And shall pray &ca
Which Petition was granted according to the following
order Vizt