correspondency with you upon all Accots my Wife joins with
me in the tender of our best respects and service to your good
Lady and Family and I take leave to assure you that I am
Your Excellencys most humble Servant
all which I was very desirous to have signified with with my
own Hand, but my present indisposition & distemper under
wch I have Laboured these seven weeks past and will I fear at
last terminate in a Fistula still continues such and so grievous
that I am forced to make use of anothers pen as p the Char-
acter you will perceive which I hope your Excellency will can-
didly excuse being still forced to keep my bed
The honble Captain Iohn Courts being amongst others
nominated & appointed one of the Iustices of a special Court
of Oyer & terminer to be kept and held at St Marys the 15th
day of November next for the tryall of those persons accused
for the late Murder of Robt Kemble in Baltemore County it
was ordered that notice thereof be given the said Courts by
the Clerk of this Board to be and appear accordingly at the
time and place appointed without fail—which was done as fol-
lows Vizt