not had an oppertunity of giving your Lordships any Acct of
Affairs in these parts neither indeed hath any thing of moment
offered worthy your considerations till of Late since the
arrivall of Sr Thomas Lawrence their Majestys Secretary for
this Province who hath given us occasion to render your Lord-
ships the following Accot particularly of himself and his pro-
ceedings here, how far they are pursuant or consonant to his
Commission and Instructions we humbly refer to your Lord-
ships better Iudgment and Determination soon after his
arrivall here he applyed himself to us their Majestys Governor
& Councill of this Province, and produced his Commission and
Instructions relating to his Office To which we readily yielded
all due respect and he was accordingly admitted and sworn
Secretary, one of the Councill, and Iustice of the Provinciall
Court since which without having given any Security for the
due and true Peformance and Execution of his Office of so
great trust and moment according to the custom and usage
of this and others their Majestys Collonys and Plantations as
was required of him fully to Capaciate himself for that Office
he hath presumed of himself to exercise his Authority in
manner foll vizt
Liber K.