the Books belonging to your said Office of Secretary Whereof
you are not to fail and so we bid you farewell from the Councill
Chamber at Whitehall this Eleventh day of December 1691
John Lowther Your Loving friends
H Powle Camarthen P
H Goodrick
Secry of Maryland
To our Loving Friend Sr Thomas Lawrence
Baronet Secry of their Majestys Province
of Maryland
At the Court at Whitehall the 21st of December 1691
The Kings most Excellent Majesty in Councill
Whereas the right Honble the Lords of the Committee of
trade and Plantations have by their Report dated the 15th
Instant represented that upon a memoriall of Sr Thomas Law-
rence Secry of Maryland, their Lordships humbly conceive
that the nominating and appointing Clerks for the ten County
Courts in that Province do properly belong to their Majestys