remove Coll Henry Iowles chief Milatary Officer in Calvert
County from his charge and command there and lodged the
same in the hands of Major Ninion Beal thereunto since
authorised & appointed is pleased to communicate the same
to the board for their advice and opinion therein as also that
the Arms of the said County should be likewise lodged in the
hands and possession of the said Beal as chief Milatary Officer
of that County whereupon passed the following order (vizt)
By the Governor and Councill October 29th 1692
Maryland ss
Ordered that Major Ninion Beal Commander in chief (under
his Excellency the Captain Generall) of all their Majestys forces
or Militia of Horse and Foot in Calvert County do forthwith
call in and take into his custody and possession all & singular
the publick arms belonging to both horse & foot in the said
County the same to have well Fixed Cleansed & Repaired
and again delivered into such hands as he shall think fit and
best for their Majestys Service upon all Occasions, whereof he
is to keep a true and exact Accot to be rendred to his Excllcy
with all Convenient speed
Sign'd p Order
J LL Cl Counsill
Severall Allowances made of part of the Surplusage of the
publck Levy passed in councill and the disposition of the Resi-
due referred to another meeting
To his Excellency the Captain Generall of Maryland and the
rest of their Majestys Honourable Counsill
The humble petition of their Majestys Iustices
and other their good People of Ann Arundell County
humbly sheweth
That the Bearer hereof Henry Bonner Clerk of Ann Arun-
dell County and hath continued so some years is a Person