Octr 14th 1692
This day ordered in Councill that the eeverall Fees within
mentioned be allowed to and taken by the Clerks of the
Councill for the time being
Signed p order
J LL Cl Counsill
Iohn LLewellin humbly moves the Board that whereas here-
tofore his Lordship the right Honble the Lord Baltemore upon
the humble Petition of Audry Cocks formerly the Widow and
Relict of Willm Cocks deceased and now wife to him the said
Iohn LLewellin, had granted unto her as of his free Gift a cer-
tain tract of Land qt 500 Acres lying in Langfords Bay in
Kent County late the Land of the said William Cocks deed but
Escheatable to his Lordship for want of heirs of the said deed
provided the same should be found accordingly to Escheate to
his Lordship and that in order thereunto his Lordships Writ of
Mandamus had issued to make Enquiry into the premises, that
by Virtue thereof a Iury of Inquest had been summoned who had