398 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.
Liber K.
Present Year out of the Surplusage tobacco two thousand
pounds of Tobacco and he to continue Post during his Excel-
lencys Pleasure
Rangers appointed for the year ensuing upon the Frontiers
of this Province vizt
Captain Richard Brightwell with 6 Men from the Falls of
Pottomuck to the Branches of Pottuxen Captain Thomas
Richardson from the Freshes of Pottuxen to the falls of
Potapsicoe with 6 Men Capt Iames Maxwell from the Falls of
Potapsicoe to Susquhanno River with 6 Men
to be paid Men and Officers p Rato as in Virginia
Iames Pendall prisoner in the custody of the Sheriff of St
Marys Ordered to be discharged
Adjourn till to morrow morning
At a Councill held at his Excellencys
the Governors house the 15th day of October
Anno Domini 1692
His Excellency the Governor
the honble
Coll Nehemiah Blakiston
Sr Thomas Lawrence
Coll Nicholas Greenbury
Thomas Tench Esqr
Capt Iohn Addison
Capt Iohn Courts
Sr Thomas Lawrence is given to understand, the resentment
this Board had taken at his proceeding so far in his Office
(before such time as he had duly qualified himself as to dis-
place some Clerks without any just Grounds for the same) to
wit Iohn Llewellin and Henry Bonner he is desired to give
his reasons for so doing To which he answers that he con-
ceives he has the disposition of all County Clerks places by
virtue and authority of his commission and that he hath
entred upon the execution of his Office by Virtue of an order
of this Board
Qu Whither the aforesaid two Clerks have given any just
Occasion for their removall or have committed any mis-
deamenors whereby to be turned out of their Places
Ansr He saith that he can give no other reason but that as
he hath the power of nominating and appointing the severall
County Clerks he may appoint and put in whom he pleases
upon a vacancy.
He is given to understand that by his Instructions he is
obligd & tyed to take no fees reward or gratuity of any the
Clerks but the 10th Part of their Profits Quere wherefore he
hath demanded & taken Pay for granting Commissions for
Clerks Places