having taken the management thereof upon him in the infancy
of the profits and advantages that may now hereafter accrue,
and now may it please your Honours 5r Thomas Lawrence
their Majestys Secretary being arrived your Petitionr expects
an Order of this honble board for delivery of the aforesaid
Office and Records &ca thereto belonging unto him the said
Sr Thomas Lawrence, your Petitioner therefore humbly prays
your Honours to take into your serious considerations the
trouble charge and Expence of your Petitioner in officiating as
aforesaid and grant an order of this Board that execution may
be awarded him for the fees that/ has accrued during the time
of his officiating in the said Office, the which as your Petitioner
humbly conceives is his just Right
And your Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever pray
The Petition granted and Ordered that the Petitioner have
Execution for the Fees accruing to the said Office untill the
arrivall of Sr Thomas Lawrence into the Province,and that for
what he hath since done and acted in that Office Sr Thomas
Lawrence pay and satisfy unto him what he shall reasonably