almost finished all, that there appears to be an Error of
75444 1 of Tobcco committed in the Assesment made by the
Assembly (vizt) so much raised by the Act over and above the
charge of what was by them allotted to be paid to the severall
Persons therein mentioned
Upon Consideration whereof Resolved and it is the opinion
of this board that they are sufficiently qualified and empowred
to distribute and dispose of the said sum as they shall see
convenient for the satisfaction of such Persons as have not
been satisfied so far forth as the same will extend to: Or-
dered that Mr Henry Denton do calculate from his Iournal
what deductions have been made out of the several Accots to
them exibited, and what reference made to the next Assembly
Ordered that the French man lately taken from among the
strange Indians at the head of the Bay and suspect for a spy
being in custody and nothing more appearing against him be
acquitted and released.—
The King of Pocomoke and severall of his great men and
attendants being now come over and waiting Audience to
renew their League with the Government his Excellency
demands the opinion and advice of the Board therein and
what Presents, is fitting to make them Resolved that six
Match Coats six pair Stockings and six Bottles of Rum be
presented them upon the treaty, and that Articles be drawn
up according to usual Form, and signed and passed recipro-
cally between them and his Excellency.
Ordered that William Read lately convict of Felony be
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 8.
Transported to some other of their Majestys Plantations in
America and there sold for the term of Seven years to the
most advantage, and the product thereof to be made good to
the Country towards the satisfaction for his fees charges &ca
Sr Thomas Lawrence humbly moves the Board for their
advice and opinion what Seals to provide for each County of
the Province, Resolved that the Kings Arms with the Names
of the County inscribed be made for each County.—
The said Sr Thomas also moves that he may require and
have an Accot from Iohn LLewellin and William Taylard of
all their Fees and Perquisits accruing by Virtue of their
Offices which any ways have appertained to the Secretarys
Place from the date of his Commission as being he conceives
his due, he making to them a just and reasonable allowance
for their care pains & trouble therein
The said Iohn LLewellin and William Taylard being made
acquainted therewith humbly offer themselves in defence
against the said motion and conceive they have no reason to
comply therewith for that they have been sufficiently authorised
to act in their severall Stations and have done all in their own
right and to their own use
p. 59