384 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 8.
The said Sr Thomas further moves for the rendition of the
severall records in their custody to him and that he may have
copys of the Iournalls of the Councill and all other publick
Acts to send for England
In answer to which his Excellency informs the Board and
assures Sr Thomas that he himself is oblig'd by his Instruc-
tions to send by all oppertunitys by him all necessary orders
and publick Acts which he shall take Care to do accordingly:
were then produced and read his Excellencys Instructions by
which it appears that Sr Thos Lawrence his charge is to be
complyed with at his Excellencys directions the said Sr
Thomas's Instructions being subordinate to those of his Excel-
Proposed to Sr Thomas his giving good Security for his
Office, and that he take Care to take the same of his Deputys
which he promises to do, but desires to know what Security
may be required of him to wch is answered such security as is
usually given in this or other their Majestys Plantation
Adjourn till to morrow morning
p. 60
At a Councill held at his Excellency the
Governors the 14th day of October Anno Dom 1692
His Excellency the Governor
the honble
Sr Thomas Lawrence
Collo Nehemiah Blakiston
Collo Nicholas Greenbury
Thomas Tench Esqr
Capt Iohn Addison
Capt Iohn Courts
The King of Pocomoke and his Indians at their request are
admitted and called in
Declared unto them that the Emperor of Pascattoway, King
of Mattawoman King of Choptico and Emperor of Nanticoke
have been here and entered into a League of Amity with his
Excellency the Governor in behalf of King William and Queen
Mary and their Subjects the Inhabitants of this Province and
Virginia, demanded of them if they are Willing upon the same
Accot and have any desire to enter into the same League
They return for answer that the Governor being lately come
from England the King of Pocomoke is now come hither on
purpose to see him and desires to have a peace with him
they are acquainted that there are Articles of peace ready
drawn up and provided the same as have been concluded on
with the other Indians, one part whereof is intended to be
signed by his Excellency the Governor and delivered to them
to keep, and the other part to be signed by the King and