Lord Baltemore Referr'd to the Treasury
At the Court at Whitehall
the 12th of Octber 1692.
The Lords of Their Majts most Honble Privy Councill.
Upon reading this day at the Board the humble petition of
Charles Lord Baltemore Praying that in regard his Agents at
Maryland are by their confinement disabled from acting for
him according to the power sent them Order may be given to
all such Masters of Vessells as have already made this last
voyage and are come home as also to those that are dayly
expected from Maryland to pay the one shilling Impost on
Tobacco and fourteen pence per Tunn to the Petrs pursuant to
the Order of the 26th of February last. It was ordered by
their Lordships that it be referred to the Right HonbIe the
Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to consider of the Peti-
tioners request and to give such order thereupon as their
Lordships shall judge fit
At a Councill held at his Excellency the
Governors house at St Peters the 13th day
of October Anno Domini 1692
His Excellency the Governor
the honble