Maryland ss
By virtue of my Comission and in pursuiance of the power
Authority and direccons to me given by the Right honble Com-
issioners of his Majties Customes in England have deputed and
impowred and doe hereby impower Andrew Abington Gent:
to be my Depty Collector of all the Rates, duties and imposi-
cons arriseing and growing due to his Majty at patuxent dis-
trict in his Majties province of Maryland By virtue of an Act of
Parliament made in the 25th yeare of his late Majties reigne
Intituled an Act for Encouragement of the Eastland and Green-
land trade and for a better secureing the Plantacon Trade
Whereby he hath power to enter into any ship Bottome boate
or other Vessell as also into any shop warehouse Hostery or
other place whatsoever for any goods, wares or Merchandize
prohibited to be imported or exported or whereof the Cus-
tomes or other duties have not been duely payd and the same
to seize to his Majties use and also to put in execution all other
the Lawfull powers and authority for the better mannageing
and collecting the said duties In all things proceeding as the
Law directs. Hereby praying and requireing all and every his
Majties Officers and all others whome it doth concerne to be
ayding and assisting to him as becometh Given under my
hand and seale of my office Customes This 29th of May Anno
Dom: 1688.
John Payne Collector Regr
May the 30th 1688.
The within menconed Andrew Abbington was sworne Depty
Collect7 in patuxent district before me Henry Darnall
The Oath
I Andrew Abington doe depose upon the holy Evangelist
That I will duely and truely officiate the places and offices of
Depty Collector in Patuxent District in the province of Mary-
land under Mr John Payne his Majties Collector in the aforesaid
district and Depty Comptroller and Surveyor Generall of the
same district of Patuxent Under Mr George Layfield according
to their severall Instructions and Obligacons corespondent to
the said severall offices they being delivered to me by them
And to give a true & exact accompt of my proceedings in the