His Excellency is pleased to communicate to the Board the
happy Success and Victory lately obtained by their Majestys
forces at Sea and Land against the French and proposed a
day of thanksgiving to be set apart and appointed for the
same throughout the Province, which was unanimously ap-
proved of, and ordered that Proclamation issue accordingly
thereby requiring all Persons duly and solemnly to observe
and keep the same by their due acknowledgment to Almighty
God in their devotions for so great a blessing, and otherwise
to express their loy in such decent ways and methods as in
such Cases is usuall that Thursday next be appointed for
Solemnization thereof, in the City of St Marys, thursday
sev'nnight following for the County of St Marys, and the next
thursday after throughout the rest of the Province
Captain Iohn Addison one of the members of this Honble
Board makes his appearance and takes his place.
The Proclamation was accordingly drawn up and Ordered
to be published being as follows Vizt
p. 53
Maryld. ss: By his Exclcy the Capt Genl &ca
A Proclamation
It Having pleased Almighty God to bless prosper and suc-
ceed the Royal Arms of our most Gracious Soveraigns Lord
and Lady King William and Queen Mary &ca with a most
happy and glorious Victory by Sea and Land lately obtained
against the French King, as it affords matter of Great loy and
consolation without doubt to the whole Confederacy and all
good Christians in General, so ought it more particularly and
specially to affect us their Majestys naturall born Leige Sub-
jects who have so great a Share and Interest therein, not only
with an Outward and Superficiall shew of loy and Gladness,
but also with a true inward and serious sence of Gratitude for
those great Blessings it hath pleased Almighty God the Author
and Projector thereof thereby to bestow on us so far as to
invite and stir us up to render unto him the just Tribute of
our most humble and hearty praise and thanks for the same
wherefore and to that end and purpose I have thought fit to