p. 47
Ordered that the Sheriff of St Marys County do forthwith pro-
cure and provide four able Men well Armed and provided to
go with the said John Kemble over into Virginia with the
foregoing Letter and to Conduct back the Prisoners &ca
His Excellency the Governor acquaints the Board that
having formerly to wit the 16th day of August last by advice
and Order of Councill commanded Capt Iames Maxwell of
Baltemore County to search for Seize and take into his cus-
tody what skins furrs and other Indian truck Iacob Looton
had traded for and purchased of the Indians contrary to Act
of Assembly &ca and the same in his Possession to keep untill
further Orders his Excellency did now think fit to order the
delivery thereof into the hands of Mr Geo Plater their Maj-
estys Collector for Pottuxent District for further Orders which
accordingly he did as follows Vizt
September 30th 1692
Capt Maxwell
The furrs Skins &ca which you have brought down with you,
you are required to deliver into the custody and possession of
Mr George Plater their Majestys Collector for Pottuxent Dis-
trict take his receipt for the Quantity and it shall discharge
you of the same
Sign'd p Order of his Excellency the Governor and Councill
p J LLewellin Clerk
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 8,
p. 71
To Mr Guy with the Pet" of the Assembly of
Maryland about the duties of 25 ships.
Whitehall 23rd September 1692.
The Lords of the Committee of Trade and Plantations have
received the Petition of the Assembly of Maryland referr'd to
the Committee by Order in Councill of the 15th of this month
praying that the imposition Money of I2d p hogshead due
from the twenty five ships that departed out of that Province
in the year 1690. without clearing or paying the said impo-
sition money be received by Coll: Copley in consideration of
what the Country hath made use of for the support of the
Government of that province. Their Lordships have ordered
the inclosed Copy of the said Petition to be sent to you to be