His Excellency Lionel Copley Esqr Governor
Coll Nehemiah Blakiston
the honble Coll Nich Greenebury
Thomas Tench Esqr
Appeared also at the Board the Honble Francis Nicholson
Esqr his Majestys Lieutenant Governor commissionated for
this Province and produced his Commission for that Purpose
which was follows Vizt
William and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen
of England Scotland France and Ireland Defenders of the
Faith &ca to our trusty and well Beloved Captain Francis
Nicholson our Lieutenant Governor of our Collony and
Dominion of Virginia in America Greeting whereas by our
Commission under our Great Seal of England bearing Date
the 27 day of Iune in the third Year of our Reign, wee have
thought fit to Constitute and appoint our trusty and well
belov'd Lionel Copley Esqr our Captain General and Governor
in chief in and over our Province and Territory of Maryland
in America and whereas we repose especiall trust and con-
fidence in your Loyalty Courage and circumspection, we do
by these presents constitute and appoint you to be our Lieu-
tenant Governor of our said Province and territory of Mary-
land to have hold exercise and enjoy the said Place and Office
for & during our Pleasure with all rights Priviledges profitts
Perquisites & Advantages, to the same belonging or apper-
taining and in Case of the Death or absence of the said Lionel
Copley we do hereby authorise and Require you to execute
and perform all and singular the Powers and directions con-
tained in our said Commission to Lionel Copley Esqr and
such Instructions as we have already or hereafter shall from
time to time send unto him and you are to observe & follow
such directions & orders as you shall receive from us, the said
Lionel Copley or any other our chief Governor of our said
Province and Territory of Maryland for the time being during
his Residence within the same, and we hereby command all
and singular our Officers Ministers and Loving Subjects of
our said Province and Territory and others whom it may con-
cern to take due notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly Given at our Court at Kensington the
24th day of February 1691/2 in the 4th year of our Reign
By his Majestys Command