other writeings to his Lordships Land belonging this house
say that all Bonds and Bills given for warrants to take up
Land where the parties have taken up land thereupon ought
to be delivered up to his Ldp but where they have not executed
the said warrant and returned a Certificate of the same they
ought not to be delivered till the parties receive the benefit of
the same and as to Records relateing to Land taken upp under
his Ldpp they say that they conceive their Majties subjects Title
to such Lands are the only evidence for the same and ought not
to be entrusted or be in the custody of any but His Majtys
Secretary thereunto commissioned & lodged in his Office to
which his Ldpps Officers and all His Majtys subjects have free
And now having presumed to lay these things before your
Majestie with all humble submission purely out of duety & for
preventing evill constructions of our enemyes and for our own
just vindication wee most humbly beseech your sacred Maj-
estie to consider what is here represented and to take such
courses as in your royall wisdom shall think fitt to be done
therein and wee your Majesties most humble and faithfull sub-
jects as in duty bound shall ever pray for your long and pros-
perous reign over us
Kenelm Cheseldyn Speaker.
Ed Wynne Robert Crook
Robert Mason James Smallwood
Henry Michell Phill: Hoskins
John Brooke Wm Dent
Jno Hammond Henry Hawkings
Tho. Small Edward Pindar
Will: Harris Henry Trippe
Henry Ridgley Tho. Tasker
Edw: Boothby Hugh Sherwood
John Campbell Jno Dorsey
Philip Clarke Francis Watkins
Jo. Watson Tho. Stacy
Hans Hanson James Sanders
T. Wroth. Roger Welford
Jno Bozman
Lazarus Maddox
Thomas Theakston
Wm Whittington
Referred to the Committee by Order of
Councill of the 15th Septr 1692.
Recd 19th Septr 1692.
B. F. p. 40.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. F.