P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. F.
their Majties Royal Assent to an Act to invest the same in
their Majties Heirs and Successors for ever it seeming very
unequal to them that the Crowne of England should be at
that charge of building Forts which is absolutely necessary for
secureing shipps in time of war and secureing their Majties
duetyes in both tyme of peace and warr and the Lord Balte-
more receive the money given by his Majtes subjects for that
end and purpose which is esteemed worth eight hundred
pounds sterling p ann., but more especially when we consider
the great revenue His Majtys clemency hath still allowed and
afforded his Lordshipp out of this Province and how litle it
cost him and his Father in secureing the land it being chiefely
peopled at first by unpeopling their Majties Colony of Virginia
invited in hither with their families and estates by a more
fertile soil and the specious pretence of liberty of conscience.
3rdly As to the demand of the fines and amerciaments untill
the late happy revolution soe farr as they were legall his
Lordship wee humbly conceive ought to have them but what
hath since legally accrued and forever for the future are the
undoubted rights of the Crowne of England the one ariseing
from the breach of their Majesties Laws the other an antient
Prerogative of the Crowne by Custome immemoriall for their
false clamour in his Courts of Judicatures.
4thly As to the demand of waifs strays wilde horses and
wilde hoggs this house say that such a Franchise can no way
suite with the nature and constitution of this Province nor any
new seated Plantation the same being very numerous and the
Country uncleared of wood and every man's Tract of land
so lardge that it is impossible to fence the same soe that the
whole stock of the Country runn promiscuously one amongst
the other and every mans property only distinguished by his
proper make entred upon record soe that by such a grant his
Ldp would entitle himselfe and engross into his hand the
whole stock of the Province and destroy every mans property
in the same Some Franchise ought not to be admitted till the
convenience of the Province will give leave thereunto which
wee humbly offer and submitt to their Majties pleasure and
whereas unmarked wilde cattle horses and hoggs were by an
Act of Assembly given to his Ldp to avoid the contentions
that happened about the property haveing noe marke to dis-
tinguish the same the said Law being for the good and benefit
of the Province and all the titles his Ldpp can pretend to such
unmarked cattle wee humbly conceive the same to be now by
that Law invested in their Majties as also to appoint Rangers
to take up the same in which wee submitt to their Majesties
5thly As to the demand that all Bills Bonds Records and