ties Province of Maryland having received from the Honour-
able your Majestle's Governor and Councill severall demands
made by the Lord Baltemore, of his pretended rights in this
your Majtie's Province As first of twelve pence a hogshead
imposition upon Tobacco, secondly of fourteene pence per
Tonn for all Tobaccoes exported out of this Province thirdly
of all fines and amerciaments in your Majties Courts fourthly
of all waifts strays wilde horses and wilde hoggs fifthly of all
bills bonds and other writeings relateing to his Lordship's
land after a full search and cleere understanding of all matters
pertinent to the same doe for a full satisfaction to your Maj-
estie and refuting of all representations we can occurr on any
hand in all humility crave pardon with that freedom as
'becomes our duty and loyalty to your Majestie wee ofer and
briefly declare to your Majestie the Voates passed this As-
sembly in relation to the same as by the Voates hereafter
doth appeare.
Ist As to the 12d p hoggshead this house say that they are
with their Majties Royal assent ready to confirme the same to
his Ldp provided his Ldp grant the same conditions of Planta-
tion he did before the happy Revolution or the same that
their Majtics doe to the Colony of Virginia to the Inhabitants
of this Province and such of" their Majties subjects as for the
future shall transport themselves hither to inhabite which wee
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. F.