and some few Attendance with him with what they shall want
which they leave to your discretion
signed p ord: of the Councell
Tho: Grunwin Clk assis'
Whereas at the request of his Lordships Cheife Rangers
a proclamacon was penned about Christmas last which never
yet issued and now at their further request the same is altered
and amended and now ordered to issue in the manner follow:
By the Deptys Lieuts
A proclamacon
Maryland ss
Whereas divers complaintes have been made to us by sev-
erall of the Inhabitants of this Province that the sub Rangers
impowerd by the honbIe Coll: Henry Darnall and Coll: William
Digges his Lordships cheife Rangers of this Province do
greate damages to peoples horses and stockes of hogges and
cattle and at the request and desire of his Lordships cheif
Ranger aforesaid Wee the said Deptys Lieuts doe hereby pub-
lish and declare and alsoe will and command that all sub
Rangers whatsoever in the Province six dayes before the next
Provinciall Court being the first Tuesday in October next
bring in all Comissions powers graunted and authorities made
by his Lordships cheif Rangers aforesaid or by their order
bearing date before these presents And that each of them
give a perticuler accompt of their actings and doings by them
done by virtue of the same and that from henceforth they and
every of them cease from further acting as sub Rangers untill
they shall obtain further Lycence and power from his Lord-
ships cheife Rangers aforesaid soe to doe. And that all per-