The last Comission is not put in rule nor none sworne soe
that if you please to send another it may take place.
Ordered that a Letter be writt to Coll: Coursey which is as
St Maries 10th July 1688.
Coll: Coursey.
Sr Yours of the 22nd June last came to our hands and we
returne you thanks for the paines and care you were pleased
to take about the Orphant Childe in which you are much to
be commended, and we are glad that the chide is safe at your
house where we must needs desire she may remaine untill the
next provinciall Court. For we doe know for the present how
better to dispose of her at which Court further care will be
taken about her. Att which Court wee desire she may be
sent down and that you would be soe kind to bee instrumentall
in procureing her a convenient passage if it lies in your way.
You mencon somewhat about the Comrsof Caecill County, the
Commission was lately renewed, and that by the advice of