324 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.
Liber K.
Wednesday Iune the 8th 1692
Lower House of Assembly
Mr Matthias Vanderheyden moves this House that a Will
of Augustin Herman being torn out of the Record, as like-
wise the Original lost, does therefore produce to this house a
Copy of the said Will, intimating likewise that Mr Edward
Jones and Mr Samuel Wheeler Members of this house were
Witnesses to the said Will, desiring the same may be put
upon Record. Voted that the same be Entered upon Record
Vera Copia Henry Denton Cl Assembly
Came Mr Edward Iones and Mr Samuel Wheeler two of the
delegates for Cecil County in the house of Assembly, and
upon Perusal of the Copy of the Will of the said Augustin
Herman here produced, they did declare and testify upon
Oath it to be a true Copy, and the very same in Effect with the
Original to which they were Witnesses, to the best of their
knowledge and Remembrance, which was ordered to be
accordingly noted in this Journal, and the said Copy of the
Will to be recorded in the Commissary's Office
p. 14
Ordered that Mr Thomas Hollyday of Calvert County be
added to the Quorum in the Commission of the Peace for the
said County
Commission of the Peace &c to issue for Ann Arundel
County to Vizt
Captn Ino Hammond
Mr Will: Holland
Mr Saml Young
Majr Hen: Ridgeley Mr Jno Worthington
Mr Hen: Constable Mr Abel Browne
Captn Nich: Gassaway
To his Excellency the Governor and Council
The Petition of Thomas Richardson of Baltimore County
Jn humble Manner sheweth
That Your Petitioner was formerly constituted & did offici-
ate as Deputy Surveyor for Baltimore County and by Virtue
of that Office did make several Surveys and took up Lands
for several the Jnhabitants of this Province in the said County,
the Certificate whereof (for that the Land Office since the late
Revolution has been shut up) have not been returned thither,
but remain still in the Custody of your Petitioner ready to be
delivered as your Honours shall direct, which he humbly prays
may be done, and Entries thereof made upon Record for the
Preservation and Security of the Persons therein interested
and concerned, if so it shall seem meet to your Honours Your