hath been pleased to express in his Letter the same shall in all
Points be duely complyed with, and all dutiful Obedience
thereunto readily yielded: Jt is also granted that his Lord-
ships two houses & Plantations of Mattapony and Notley Hall
be delivered into the Custody and Possession of Col Darnal
for his Lordships Use, and that he be permitted quietly and
peaceably to collect the Moiety of the Two Shillings p hhd
Impost, and the 14d p Ton Port Duties, according to his Maj-
estys Directions and the Order of the Committee of this Prov-
ince thereupon passed; that for the fines forfeitures and
Amerciaments Waifs Strays &c, it seeming to this Board that
the same were given and did belong to his Lordships Quatenus
Governor for the Support of Government only, and not as
Lord of the Soil, this Board think not fit to answer the Request
of the Petitioner in that Point, but referr the same wholly to
the Consideration of next Assembly: And as to his Complaint
concerning his Negro Woman set free by the County Court
of St Marys County, the same having passed the Judicial Cog-
nizance and Censure of the said Court, this Board does not
think it proper to intermeddle therewith, but leave him to his
Remedy at Law if he have been aggrieved: Lastly as to his
Request to his Excelly concerning his Bonds passed for the
good Behaviour, and his forthcoming to answer, what shall be
objected against him, when required, the same is thought fit
to be continued, until such time as he shall be thereunto called
A Petition preferred to his Excellency by Major Nicholas
Sewall as follows Vizt
To His Excellency the Captain General
The humble Petition of Nicholas Sewall
Most humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner by his long Absence from his habitation
hath much suffered in his Estate, and since his Arrival here
hath found his Concerns both at home and abroad in much
Liber K.
Disorder and Confusion, which by Reason of his present Con-
finemt he is utterly incapable of reducing to any better Order
or Method, and hath no Other Prospect than perfect Ruin,
unless relieved by your Excellencys Grace and Favor towards
him, in extending the Arms of your Mercy, and admitting him
to such Bail as Your Excellency shall think fit to require,
which he is most ready to produce, as also for his future good
Abearance and Comportment under the Liberty Your Excel-
lency shall vouchsafe to afford him, and with such restrictions
and Limitations, as You shall please to direct, so that he may
be in any Measure enabled to look after and take Care of such
Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on him for the neces-
sary Support and Maintenance of himself his Wife and Family,
p. 9