Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89. 29
Coll: Dongan's
Lre considered
The Consideration of the aforegoing Letter
is referred untill the 21st day of this Instant and
Liber B.
P. R. O.
in the mean time ordered that the Clk of the Councill write to
Coll: Tailler to desire his Compa and Assistance touching the
pmisses and to send him Copy of Coll. Dongan's Letter and
his Majties order aforesaid. And further ordered that the
Sherif of St Maryes County press Boat and hands to carry the
Messenger (that brought hither the aforesaid Letter) to Vir-
ginia being thither sent by said Coll: Dongan
At a Councill held at the City of St Maryes
the 21st day of Aprill 1688
The honble
Coll: Henry Darnell
Coll: Wm Digges
Maj: Nicho: Sewall
Coll: Dongan's
Lre answered.
Was again read Coll: Dongan's Letter and
his Majties Order and the same being maturely
considered by the Board returned thereto the foll: answer vizt
Wee the Deptyes Lieuts and Councill of this Province have
received your Excellencyes by your Messenger of date the 30th
of March past together with Copy of his Majties order to your-
self inclosed wherein we found his Majtie has been pleased to
say he had sent orders to the Neighbouring Collonyes to afford
your Excellency such help as the Exigency of your Case might
require, whereof on your Excellencyes part you have made us
sensible of your Condicon but as yet have not been soe happy
to receive his Majties Comands touching the same which when-
ever we doe we assure your Excelcy none shall pay more early
obedience thereto then ourselves, be it in the exposeing our
Lives and expending our Fortunes in such (or any other) his
Majties Service to the utmost of our poor abilities according to
the Constitution of this Province; We heartily thank your
Excellency for your kind offer to us on the like occasion,
which although our own security we are bound in the utmost
to preserve yet ourselves and what we have are devoted to his
p. 158
Aprill 21st
Majties service according as the same shall require be
it where it will. Our prayers and best Wishes being
for your Excellencyes good success against his Majties
We rest your Excelcys humble servants
To his Excelcy Thomas Dongan Esqr
Captain Genll and Cheif Govr of his
Majesties Province of New York.
Henry Darnall
Wm Digges
Nicho: Sewall