Liber B.
P. R. O.
out a due care in us to preserve the Peace of our Government
and to give all due protection to such as have brought them-
selves under our subjection. Wee doe therefore hereby
charge and require you to give notice at the said time to the
said Governour of Canada that upon mature Consideration
wee have thought fitt to own the Five Nations or Cantons of
Indians vizt the Maquaes Sinecas Cajouges Oneydies and
Onondagues as our Subjects and resolved to protect them as
such, soe as nevertheless upon Information of any Injury
offered or which shall be offered or done by them to any of
the Subjects of our good Brother the most Christian King to
cause as wee doe hereby direct you to cause entire Sattisfac-
tion to be made for the same, and the Indians witheld from
disturbing the French in any manner whatsoever Provided
they doe abstain on their parts from making Warr upon those
Indians our Subjects or doing them any Injury and in case the
people of Cannada shall notwithstanding this declaration per-
severe in invading our dominions and annoying those Indians
you are with the utmost of your Power to defend and protect
them, and if need shall require to leavy Arm and employ all
persons resideing within your Government in the resisting and
withstanding the Invasion or Attempts of the French and them
if there shall be occasion to preserve in or out of the Limitts
of your said Government and to doe and execute all & every
other thing which you shall find necessary for the protecting
our Subjects and preserving our Rights in those parts and for
the better performance thereof wee doe hereby give you full
power and authority to erect and build such Forts, Castles &
Plateformes and in such place or places as to you shall seem
requisite for this service, and in case it shall happen that
upon this occasion the Aid and assistance of our neighbour-
ing Colloneys may be usefull, you are to give notice thereof
to our severall Governours and Proptrs in any of our Planta-