You are not to permit or Allow of any Appeals whatsoever
to be made from the Governor and Councill unto the Assembly
but whereas we judge it absolutely necessary that all our sub-
jects may have liberty to Appeal unto Us, in cases that may
deserve the same, Our will and Pleasure is, that if either party
shall not rest satisfied with the Iudgement or sentence of our
Governor or the Commander in Chief and Councill they
may then appeal unto us in our Privy Councill Provided the
matter in difference exceed the reall value or summe of three
hundred pounds sterling & that such appeal be made within
one Fortnight after sentence & security first given by the
Appelant to Answer such charges as shall be awarded in case
the sentence of our Governor or Commander in chief and
Councill in Maryland be confirmed. Provided also that Execu-
tion be not suspended by reason of any such Appeal unto Us.
And in as much as it may not be fit that Appeals be too fre-
quently and for too small a value, brought unto our Governor
and Councill, you shall therefore with the Advice of the
Councill propose a Law to be passed wherein the method &
limitation of Appeals unto our Governor and Councill may be
settled and restrained in such manner as shall be found most
convenient and easy to our subjects in Maryland.
You shall endeavour to get a Law passed for the restraining
of inhuman severities, which by ill Masters or Overseers may
be used toward their Christian servants or slaves and that pro-
vision be made therein that the willfull killing of Indians &
Negroes may be punished with death and that a fit penalty be
imposed for the maiming of them.
You are also with the Assistance of our Councill and
Assembly to find out the best means to facilitate and en-
courage the conversion of Negroes and Indians to the
Christian Religion.
You are to recommend to Our Councill & Assembly the
raising of a Stock and Building publick workhouses in con-
venient places for the imploying of poor and indigent people.
And forasmuch as great inconveniences may arise by the
Liberty of Printing within our Province of Maryland, you are
to provide by all necessary Orders that no person use any
Press for printing upon any occasion whatsoever, without your
speciall Licence first obtained.
Lastly, if any thing shall happen that may be of Advantage
or Security to our said Province which is not herein or by our
Commission provided for, We do hereby Authorize and direct
you with the Advice and Consent of our Councill, to take
Order for the present therein giving Us, by One of our prin-
cipall Secretarys of State and the Lords of our Privy Councill
appointed a Committee for Trade and fforeign Plantations,
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 8.