to be in Tobacco at the rate of 2d pr lb and for which is
granted his Lordshipp moyety of 2d p hhd to the greate greife
burthen and perplexity of the Inhabitants.
3. Suffering his Lordshipps Attorny Generall upon his
owne authority to issue precepts to the severall Sheriffs com-
manding them to bring the bodyes of severall the Inhabitants
of this Province to the Provinciall Court, to answer such things
as shall be objected against them by which meanes severall of
their Majestie's subjects of this Province who have beene
accordingly taken unto custody and brought from their homes
a great distance, to the said Provinciall Court and there turned
over to the Sherrifs of St Mary's County being wholly ignorant
of what would be layd to their charge to the greate griefe
burthen and hazard of the said Inhabitants.
4. Suffering his Lordshipps Judges for probate of Wills and
granting of Administracons to putt the Inhabitants to excessive
trouble charge and hazard their persons by long expensive
and distinct journeys from the remote parts of the Country to
come to their Office contrary to their Commission and Instruc-
cons from his Lordspp.
5. Suffering his Lordspps navall Officer here to exact and
extort unjust and illegall Fees from Masters of Shipps of two
pounds one shilling and four pence under the pretence and
denomination of Secretaryes Fees to the vallue of 200lb
sterh'p ann: not only without, but directly against thelawes of
this Province therein made and provided togeather with 12d
•p poll on every passenger and servt imported.
6. Suffering the said Navall Officers and Clerkesof Townes
here to extort and receive from Merchants Masters and
Traders into this Province 3d p hh: for all Tobacco exported
agt: the very letter of the Law by which the same is pretended
to be due, to the vallue of about 600lb sterl: p ann:
7. Suffering his Lordspps Secretary to take by way of exe-
cucon other and more (exhorbitant and excessive Fees) from
the Inhabitants then by Law is allowed and alloted them, to
the vallue of at least 200000lb Tob: p annu:
8. Suffering the Millitary Officers in time of peace violently
to press victualls and provisions from the Inhabitants of this
Province to their greate impoverishing and oppression, and
contrary to Law
9. Imposeing upon the Lower house of Assembly in the
yeare 1688. under the threats of banishmt (by illegall artifice
and against their previledges the Oath of Fidelity wherein
there is no reserve of allegiance contrary to Law and his
Lordspp's Charter.
10. Violently prosecuting and condemning all the Crim-
inalls brought before the Provinciall Court Anno 1688. wth
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.