P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
design to pardon them the more to honour and solemnize the
pretended Prince of Wales and his Festivall many or most of
the said Criminalls haveing sufficient and enough to say in their
Defence but not permitted to be heard why judgement should
not pass against them and for their respective pardons had
imposed upon them an extraordinary and excessive Fee.
11. Endeavouring and undertakeing to fortefie the Province
against the blessed and pious designe of his present Majestie
when Prince of Orange for the Protestant religion and the
English Liberties by disarming the Protestants to that end,
entending the Publick arms and millitary Trust to be repossed
in the hands of persons fitt and quallified for their purpose.
12. Endeavouring to confederate with and procure the
assistance of Indians.
13. Magnifying the present French designes and interest
being under the imediate command and injunction of the late
King James to keepe a strict Amity and correspondency with
the subjects of the French King untill particular orders from
the said late King James thereunto relateing.
14. Endeavouring to obscure and smother their aforesaid
wicked purposes and machinations by letters to the Secretary
of Virginia and others by publick designes speeches orations
subscriptions and remonstrances deceitfully and craftilly ob-
tained from severall unwary thoug well meaning Inhabitants of
this Province and by other cunning unjust wayes and con-
15. Useing scandalous resolute and treasonable Invectives
against their Majesties.
16. Threatening and menaceing the Protestants of this Prov-
ince with death ruine and extirpation.
17. Takeing up Armes and publickly declaring against the
proclayming their Majesties within this Province.
18. Assumeing and takeing upon them to be Judges of
matter of Fact and giveing unjust arbitrary and cruel sen-
tences in Criminall Cases whereby severall have beene con-
demned and executed which in construction of Law is no less
than murder, others banished and greivously punished and
19. Actually murdering Mr Christopher Rousby and Mr
John Payne his Majesties Collectors here the first in the yeare
1684. the latter in the yeare 1689. by meanes of Coll: Talbott
and Major Sueall both his Lordspps Deputies and the same
owned and Justified by them and their adherents.
All and every the aforesaid Articles and matters of charge
togeather with the particular proofs evidences and arguments
to make good the same are humbly offered to the consideration
of his Majestie to be produced and sett forth when thereunto