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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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216 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

12. Assumeing a Power to dispense with laws made by his
owne personall assent when present here.
13. Inflicting illegall insult and cruell punishments.
14. Suffering unquallified persons not Freeholders to be
returned on grand and petty Juryes tryalls for cryminall mat-
ters extending to life & member.
15. Forceing and extorting speciall Baylle in Criminall
16. Not provideing a Publick Magazine and a Magazine in
each County as obliged by Law sufficient for defence of his
Majesties subjects being paid for the Land at least 2000l sterl:
p ann:
17. Prosecuteing before the Councill for matters only cog-
nizable at Comon Law.
18. Constituting a Court called a Court of Delegates in this
19. Imposeing and extorting unreasonable and excessive
20. Granting Fines to the Judges in Criminall Causes not
only before conviction or Judgmt but before accusation or
21. Governing by creuel sanguinary unjust unreasonable
illegal tyrannical Acts of Assembly craftilly obtayned from the
unwary Representatives of the Province contrary to the Lawes
of England and his Lordshipps Charter and to the distruction
of their Majestie's Subjects.
22. Assumeing the royall stile dignity authority and prerog-
23. Endeavouring to obstruct Justice upon persons accused
for supposed murders &c:
All and every of which Articles wth a great many more to
tedious to enumerate being against the Religion Laws, libertyes
and propertye of their Majesties Protestant Subjects as alsoe
the following Articles more particularly against his Lordspps
deputies Officers and Ministers here acting in and continueing
the administration of the Governmt by the like illegall methods
and proceedings.

Articles against the Deputies Judges and minis-
ters of the Lord Baltemore in this Province vizt

Imprs All the late Deputies and Councill papists and popishly
2. Suffering his Lordspps receiver Generall to exact mony
sterl: from the Inhabitants for their Rents and Fines for Alien-
ation of Lands contrary to Act of Assembly in that Case made
and provided appointing and directing the payment thereof

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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