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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 215

of the Revenues raised in Maryland since the Revolution and
particularly of the impost of 2s wherein it maybe distinguished

how much has been raised how much expended, what remains
yet undisposed of and where tht same lies at present which
acct you are to bring to me for the use of the Committee
before friday next in the afternoone.
W. B.

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52.

Articles against the Lord Raltemore his Deputies
Judges and Ministers employed by him in the
Government of this Province vizt
Against the Lord Baltemore.

1. Appointing none but Irish Papists and his owne relacons
for the most part to have the Cheife Governing authority over
the Inhabitants here.
2. Erecting and founding of Chappells for the Popish super-
stition to the encouragmt of Popery and subvertion of the Prot-
estant religion the Preists clayming the Ecclesiasticall libertyes
and priviledges of the church of Rome and exerciseing papall
Jurisdiccon from the encouragemt of the first Act of Assembly
still in force in this Province being invested with the best and
richest Lands for the maintenance and support of them and
a popish Clergie.
3. Causeing to be apprehended his Majesties Protestant
Subjects by armed Papists in time of Peace without warrant
or cause of comittment exhibited and confined by long and
tedious imprisonment before Tryall.
4. Not provideing for the support of a Protestant Clergy or
the exercise of the protestant Religion, but on the contrary
takeing advantage by Escheats of Lands bequeathed and
devised to the use of the Protestant Ministry.
5. Discourageing Protestants and preferring Papists to
6. places of honour and profitt constituting a third estate
for the makeing of Laws, called his upper house of Assembly
makeing them a part of the Legislative power contrary to the
fundamentall constitution of the Government
7. Violating the Freedom of Elections to sitt and serve in
Generall Assemblyes.
8. Preventing their sitting and serving when elected by
summoning only a select number of them to that End.
9. Makeing Lawes without consent of Assembly extending
to the Estates and Properties of the Inhabitants
10. Assumeing a power to assent or dissassent when and to
what Laws his Lordshipp shall think fitt, that are made in his
absence out of the Province.
11. Assumeing a Power by proclamacon to repeall Laws
made and consented to by sufficient authority.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 34

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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