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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)
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214 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

p. V-

Referr'd by Order of
20. Nov: 1690.
Read 22. Nov: 1690.

Petition of severall of the ancient Protestant Inhabitants of
To the Right Honble the Lords of the Committee for Trade
and Plantations.
The humble Petition of several of the Ancient Protestant
Inhabitants of their Majesties Province of Maryland, and lately
from thence here arrived in behalfe of themselves and most
of the Inhabitants of the said Place.
That your Petitioners on the 13th of this instant November
presented their humble Petition to the King's most excellent
Majestie And being informed, that all matters relating to the
differences in Maryland are referred to your Lordshipps.
Your Petitioners do humbly begg your Lordshipps considera-
tion of our said Petition (the which is hereunto annexed) And
that your Lordshipps will be pleased to Grant us a Hearing
touching the matters there Prayed.
And your Petitioners shall pray etc.

Read 22. Nov. 90.

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52,
p. 212

To the Right Honble the Lords of the Committee for Trade
and Plantations
The humble Petition of Charles Ld. Baltemore.
That your Lordships will please to take into consideration
the business of his Revenue of Maryland since the late troubles
there great part thereof is in danger of being lost by reason of

Masters selling and disposeing of their ships, altering their

voyages and other accidents And that your Lordships will be
pleased to move their Majesty's in Councill that they will
graciously be pleased to grant your Petitioner an order there-
fore, and that upon payment thereof the Bonds taken by Iohn
Coode & his party of the respective masters of ships and
vessells may be discharged.
And your Petitioner shall Pray etc

Whitehall 23. Decr 1690
The Lords of the Committee of Trade and Plantations direct
you to present unto their Lordships the best account you can

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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